In October 2016, while she was in the bathroom, suddenly she couldn’t move her arms and legs. But she could talk. She was very shocked and cried out to call her husband who immediately carried her out of the bathroom.
She could not walk, because her legs were limp. She also couldn’t touch her nose. She was really suffering. Her body is limp like there are no bones. She was devastated and could only cry over her condition. Her husband tried to calm her down and said that later she would go to the hospital for medicine.
She was taken to the hospital and hospitalized there for 12 days. There were 6 doctors who examined her. After the examination, the doctors said that she was suffering from GBS (Guillain Barre Syndrome) which is classified as a rare disease. In this disease, the immune system, which is supposed to protect the body, attacks the peripheral nervous system which is responsible for controlling body movements which can lead to paralysis of the organs of movement and sensory paralysis. In fact, the worst impact is paralysis of the respiratory muscles that can cause respiratory failure and ends up in death.
The doctor gave her medicine. However, after taking the medicine, there was no change whatsoever.
She could only cry and asked Lord Jesus for help. She believed that the Lord Jesus could heal her disease, even all kinds of sicknesses.
One day, a servant of God came and invited her to KPPI.
On November 24, 2016, she came to KPPI with faith that God will definitely heal her.
Praise the Lord ! She was prayed there and God healed her from being completely paralysed, unable to walk or run. Now, all parts of her body are already normal and can be moved. Hallelujah !
I have trusted in the Lord and have not faltered (Psalms 26 : 1).