Here is a healing miracle story that happened to Desy Sondang Natalia, a six year old little girl, who was diagnosed with leaky heart valve that could only be healed by a surgery. Because of her sickness, her body often felt not good, easily got fever and cough, her left chest was in pain and frequently suffered shortness of breath. She never joined Physical Education and couldn’t play too much since she was not allowed to get too tired. She couldn’t sleep lying on her stomach, but only slept lying on her side or on her back. Otherwise she would get shortness of breath.
Both her parents were very distressed hearing the doctor’s diagnose. They knew that they didn’t have enough money to do a surgery. But the mother had faith that Jesus was able to close the leaking of her heart. She kept on saying to her daughter to have faith that Jesus was able to heal her. Desy herself put her faith in Jesus.
Until one day a minister of God from KPPI team came by and gave them invitation to attend a healing service, KPPI, that was held in Adventist , Tebet, Pancoran, South Jakarta. On June 14, 2011, Desy and her mother attended KPPI. Their faith was strengthened as they heard the preaching of the Word of God. Moreover when they were listening to the healing testimony of the pastor, Susan Sumbayak, who was healed from leaked heart valve. They had faith for Desy’s healing.
After she was prayed during the healing prayer session, Desy was asked to run. She felt her body strengthened and restored. She was checked by a doctor afterward. The result was surprising, there was no leaking found in her heart. She was totally healed. She felt strong and healthy.
Three weeks later, Desy went to the hospital again to check her heart. The doctor was surprised finding that her heart was normal and healthy, there was no leaking there. It was a miracle. Her heart was normal and healed.
You can watch the healing miracle video here: